Update 2.0: Overgrowth

Hello everyone,
After almost another year working on this project, I'm happy to announce that HertenHeld has received a new content update!
This update focusses on better visuals to the base game, while also introducing an extra difficult area as a seperate gamemode.
Alongside several tweaks and additions from long lasting ideas.


Overgrowth Mode
- A new, seperate area has been added, exploring a deeper, more difficult part within the forest.
  This mode can be selected when starting a new game after finishing the base game.
- Nageru,  a new playable character, will be playing in that route.
  Nageru starts out with Samantha's full arsenal, but has a few abilities that differentiate from each other.
- Several new enemies are added and are housing inside the dark forest.
- Alraune Boss fight!


Other Features
- Controls have turned into a Settings menu, with several options for more customisation.
- Added Fullscreen support, this can be toggled in the settings or by pressing F11
- More effects have been added, like jumping, landing effects, hit effects and more.
- Environmental effects have been added to add some atmosphere.
- These effects can be disabled on the options menu, to make the game similair to it's 2021 release.
- Knockback! Some heavy attacks will send you flying!
- Several enemies have an updated AI, stats and movement pattern.
- More difficult enemies may appear at earlier areas as you make progress.
- Several doors will now stay open after you reached a progression point
- Maximum falling speed is slightly increased, followed with a landing effect from a certain height.
- The Sanctuary got some stained glasses as backgrounds.
- The Time Attack hotkey is now an option within the settings.

- Added several animation cancels to knife and bow interactions.
- The charge attack will now remain while using melee
- Added Bomb Arrow weapon combo
- Seed Bomb will now deal more damage when hitting enemies while thrown
- Revive health will now be half of the maximum health.

- Save System is now reworked an is no longer reliant on a save state.
  The save message is also moved towards the Save Stone itself.
- Birds are now more lively and hop around peacefully, stand still and they may even hop towards you.
- Added signs in some areas to give advice.
- Added a cameo or two from other games it took inspiration from.
- Some sound effects can change their pitch
- Fixed a bug where you're moonwalking after pressing 'D' (finally)
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't jump after continue by pressing space or enter

This update has been made for both HertenHeld's 4th anniversary, and Nageru's 10th anniversary. 
As a celebration of two of my favorite works.

This update also has showcased how far I've now come as a gamedev myself too. 
It was great to come back to this project and getting into using more self-created tools and proper time-management that has streamlined the workflow and personal condition much better. 

As of now: HertenHeld has received 138 total downloads, which is almost 50 more since it's final patch.
Once again I wanted to thank everyone who has played my game, and am looking forward to the future.

Hope you'll enjoy this new update.


Herten Held v2.0.zip 77 MB
1 day ago

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