"D" key Moonwalking fix and v1.0.2

Hey guys,

A while ago, I had noticed from a comment that the latest version: v1.0.2.1 I left in by accident a debugging hotkey to let the character "Moonwalk", this was in an attempt to fix the wall collisions that sometimes happened.

So, in short: I've noticed that this moonwalking problem is not present in the previous version, so if you prefer using WASD controls. (or other controls involving the D key), then version 1.0.2 is available again to download, as a relatively late hotfix.

And to make a short story a long story: 
Normally, this would be an "easy fix". And it would be, if it wasn't for the maintenance that's left stagnant.
Similairly to a car that needs maintenance around twice a year, a game's development enviroment also needs to be up to date with the Engine to be fine working on.
But...HertenHeld's code is old, and my starting experience with GameMaker also shows it's age. So fixing and testing HertenHeld's enviroment just for a supposedly quick fix does not feel worth the investment anymore.

HertenHeld remains as one of the most stressful projects to work on, and it still gives me stress by even just the thoughts of just working on it. Consider it like a perfectionist's curse. So I rather want to move on to new ideas, and improving from the past, rather than trying to continiously 'fix' the past.

I'm still thankful for the support it has received. Here's hoping to make a new game someday starting from this enviroment again. :)


Herten Held v1.0.2.zip 51 MB
Apr 25, 2021

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