Update 1.2.3: minor tweaks and Kalynn buff

Hi all

I was in the mood to make a few tweaks to the game once again. To improve the mobile experience and alter a few unfair stages:

  • Kalynn's melee attack has slightly more range, and now restore ammo when she defeats an enemy while On Fire.
    That way, she can keep shooting arrows during her On Fire as long as she keep hitting their targets.
  • Removed the 'up = jump' button, to prevent accidental presses on mobile.
  • Improved the possibility to avoid damage a certain thorn area in the jungle.
  • some falling arrows in the cloud area are more fair and less obstructive
  • added a few static fires in the boss area so you can keep up the combo during his intro.
  • Some clouds in the vulcano area are changed to brick platforms. (just a visual change)
  • Filled out some of the empty space in the spritesheet.

Fallen Star has also been submitted to the IGDB and is now possible to be viewed in certain websites like Twitch and Backloggd.
I plan to do this for my other games as well.

And that's all for now.

Happy Holidays!


FallenStar v1.2.3.zip Play in browser
69 days ago
Fallen_Star_1_2_3.zip 993 kB
69 days ago

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